Mar 18, 2013

80-Pagecast: Episode 1

We're trying something new at 80-Page Giant this week - the 80-Pagecast, a podcast featuring 80-Page Giant contributors David Henion, Rob London, and Jen Ulm.  This week, our main topic is retold origins, so enjoy as we mostly ignore that topic and discuss bad wigs, Two-Face's facial hair, and molten cobalt instead.  Have a listen and tell us what you think!  Show notes after the jump.

Intro Music: Amazing Spider-Man (1977) TV opening theme

Appendectomy Music: Great Lakes Avengers, Kirby Krackle

Appendectomy Subject: Death's Head, but not that Death's Head

Outro Music: Incredible Hulk (1966) TV opening theme


  1. So far I've been unable to get to the podcast on android. Any suggestions?

  2. Naive question! Is there a way to get these onto my devices other than manual download?
    i has teh dumb
