Anyway. Using this armor and a specially-manufactured Ninja Disorienting Hallway installed in the Silent Castle, Cobra Commander was able to defeat and capture the then-heroic Storm Shadow. This led to Snake-Eyes mounting a rescue attempt for his sword brother - and surely he'd fall for CC's new tricks, too! However, Snake-Eyes (seen in the background of the third pic) was able to get through the special Ninja Disorienting Hallway by... CLOSING HIS EYES! Then he hit Cobra Commander with a flechette round, because he decided to rescue Storm Shadow in a commando-y way instead of a ninja-y way for some reason. I'm not sure why this ignited CC, but it's been a while since I've read the story. Maybe Snake-Eyes had a flamethrower, too?
Scans from G.I. Joe #150 and 151. Art by Phil Gosier and Crusher Wallace (#150) and Phil Gosier and Scott Koblish (#151).